Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Letter No. 16: Someone that’s not in my province/ country

[This post is part of my Life List #58 and the 30 Letters in 30 Days Challenge.]

Dear my lovely you,

So you live far away.

Why exactly did you move again? See, if only you lived here [or I lived there], I would make you cupcakes and not give you fake recipes hehehehe.

Anyhow, just wanted to say you're a gem with such a warm and kind hearted spirit.

I'm so happy that even though we're separated by distance and time, I'm so lucky to call you a friend. I know that many times I'm not the greatest at being available [btw I like that you don't let that push you away ,], but I really genuinely, sincerely and truly love having you in my life!

PS: Forget jetskiing, I want us to walk on that Capilano Suspension Bridge when I come visit!! I hear it swooshes as the wind blows hehe.


  1. hope you not afraid of heights..I won't spoil the experience for you though..

  2. great Tina!, picture is very good.
    where do you get the ideas from?

  3. so you're afraid of heights?

  4. thanks but I didn't take the photo myself. i forgot to add a i got the photo from www.capbridge.com. really wanna go there though!

    you should come with! :D

  5. no I'm not afraid of heights..we are good friends and me being the adventurous you better brace yourself..

  6. good. will see how far i can push you then lol.
