Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Letter No. 17: Someone from my childhood

[This post is part of my Life List #58 and the 30 Letters in 30 Days Challenge.]


It's been well over 11 years now. I can't believe it's been that long.

On days like these I think about you and think about you a whole lot. I wonder what your life is like and whether you now have children of your own? Whether you're happy?

As I'm writing this, I'm overwhelmed by the gratitude I have for you.

I never got to tell you because you left when I was too young to understand, how much I'm so grateful that you were in my life. You were like a sister to me and one who always took care of me and always made me laugh even when I should be in bed. Most of my best childhood moments are when I was with you. You really took care of me. Thank you. I wish I could see you again so that you see how grown up I now am. What's funny is that I think I'm pretty much still the same [with the constant smiling], perhaps I'm a bit more hardened than I used to be [but I'm working on that]. When you left, I felt so sad and I missed you so much for such a long time. It's been years but writing this leaves a lump in my throat because I remember the feeling so vividly. Even though I was just a little girl, I understood why you had to go back home and now that I'm older I'm so glad you decided to focus on you for a change.

I hope to find you soon and tell you how much I really wouldn't be who I am were it not for you. I'm so grateful for all that you gave up just to take care of me and the genuine love you showed me. Now more that I'm older, I realize how much I was so lucky to have you.

Until we meet again...

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