Monday, December 5, 2011

Oh O.B., you can't pronounce my name...

I friend of mine posted this personalized song from O.B. and so I decided to try it out.

{Apparently} O.B. tampons went missing off store shelves last year and as a way to win girlie hearts back they've decided to sing you a personal song.

You basically go to their website, type in your name and wait. Oh, remember to turn up your speakers.

I did just that using my nickname "tina" and smiled. My friend asked me to try typing my full name "tinashe" and sadly the handsome lad in the video was tongue-tied. He couldn't pronounce my name!

Oh O.B., it makes me sad that you can't pronounce my name :(

In any case, visit to have O.B. serenade you. Hope he can pronounce your name :).

Did you know?
Dr. Judith Esser named the product o.b.®, which stands for "ohne binde" in German: "without napkins" (The term binde is commonly used in Europe for the term pad.)

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